i'm Micaela
I'm so grateful you're here.
I spent most of my life trying to fix everything about myself and become "perfect" so that I could finally feel worthy. It began as a 15-year eating disorder and then flooded into many other areas of my life. I was obsessed with receiving validation from others and based all of my decisions on that need.
I felt like I was suffocating under the pressure. I was chasing success to cover up my insecurities. I constantly felt like I was running out of time and never felt safe in my own body. I even began trying to manifest changes in my life so that I would never have to feel those insecurities again. I was truly obsessed with teaching manifestation (and still am, but in a totally different way).
After years of chasing and "manifesting", I realized that I felt more disconnected from myself than ever. Even when I did manifest something I wanted, I never felt worthy of it or safe enough to keep it.
So I began digging deeper...
And as I did, I realized that I had been manifesting from my ego. When we manifest from our egos, we will always face lessons that teach us to love ourselves and find safety within instead of outside (sometimes in very painful ways). So I devoted myself to healing the parts of me that felt unsafe and unloved. The younger versions of me who started chasing external goals to feel worthy.
I began my journey back to wholeness, and I realized that this is the true secret to life. Our external reality is a pure reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves.
I now devote myself to teaching about unconditional love and returning to wholeness, because this is the most powerful work we can do in this lifetime. This work has led me to become the most magnetic version of myself. I no longer chase outcomes, but follow my soul's deepest desires and feel safe enough to receive them.
Through inner-child healing, nervous system regulation, shadow work, and hypnotherapy, I now guide my clients through deep healing and unity with self so that they can experience their own magnetism.
I am incredibly passionate about supporting other beautiful humans on this path through my podcast, youtube channel, and guided hypnotherapy sessions.
If you're new here, I'm so grateful we have crossed paths. I hope you find the content I create to be a stepping stone on your journey back home to yourself.
With infinite love,
-Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Mentor-
hi beautiful soul!
here's how we can connect further:
let's explore